Want to challenge the developers of Duke Nukem Forever in multiplayer? Beginning on Wednesday, June 22nd, and running for the next three Wednesdays, some of the 2K Games and Gearbox Software Duke Nukem Forever crew will be challenging community members to Dukematches.
We'll be playing on Xbox Live from 4 – 5:30 PM PST on June 22nd, June 29, and July 6. How do you get a spot? Add the following gamertags to your friends list and be online by 4 PM – we'll invite you to a match and then the games will begin!
- DNFDev1 – Allen Blum, Level Designer, and one of the two original creators of Duke Nukem and the only person to work on Duke games from day one to today.
- DNFDev2 – Melissa Miller, Sr. Producer, 2K Games
- DNFDev3 – Kristen Haglund, Operations, Writer, and Triptych Owner
- DNFDev4 – Greg Laabs, Community Manager, 2K Games
- Elizabeth2K – Elizabeth Tobey, Head of Community, 2K Games
Be sure to add yourself to our friends lists' early – space is limited – and we'll see you online!