Good news, Vault Hunters! The Creature Slaughter Dome and Collector’s Edition content for Borderlands 2, previously only open to those that had either pre-ordered the game from a specific retailer or purchased a certain edition, is now available for individual purchase.
The Creature Slaughter Dome content allows you to enter the Natural Selection Annex in the Wildlife Exploitation Reserve and face off against some of the toughest monsters in all of Pandora for experience and loot.
The Collector’s Edition Pack includes a new head and skin for Axton the Commando, Maya the Siren, Salvador the Gunzerker and Zer0 the Assassin along with the Contraband Sky Rocket Grenade.
Both the Creature Slaughter Dome and Collector’s Edition Pack are now available for $4.99 / 400 Microsoft Points each on Steam, Xbox Live, and the PlayStation Store in North America and are coming soon to the PlayStation Store in Europe. These items are not part of the Borderlands 2 Season Pass. For more details on the contents of the Borderlands 2 Season Pass, please visit this page.