Tales From The Borderlands
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About Tales From The Borderlands
Like all good tales, there’s more than one side to a story. Especially one about a Vault key, the Hyperion Corporation, bandits, loot, gangsters, Vault Hunters, secret Atlas tech, explosions, getaways, extortion, betrayal, and mayhem.
Set after the events seen in Borderlands 2, Tales from the Borderlands is about Rhys, a Hyperion company man looking to become the next Handsome Jack, and it’s also about Fiona, a Pandoran con artist out to score the biggest of all swindles.
Lured into danger by a Vault key and all it promises, the unlikely duo are thrown together with a common goal and a huge amount of mistrust. Who is telling the truth, and why is it important?
That’s up to you to decide.
You are Rhys…and you are also Fiona, because like every tale worth telling, there are two…oh, you read that part already? Well, it’s important to remember that there *are* two sides to every story, and you my friend, you will tell this tale, or…tales, through the choices that you make. Your every decision as both Rhys and Fiona will affect the people and world around you: this is a game where YOU are the final author in a brand new Borderlands story set on the unforgiving world of Pandora.
Tales From The Borderlands Media

A company man at the Hyperion Corporation…a guy with his cybernetic eye on the prize: being the next Handsome Jack. “Loveable rogue” is perhaps a little too generous, but he makes up for that with biomechanical implants that open up avenues only he can see. His devil may care attitude could result in some incredible adventures, or perhaps just a spectacular death. Hyperion needs a new leader, and since Jack is out of the picture, he figures that he’s the man to do it. There are just a few small ‘issues’ that need to be resolved.

She’s a grifter: a ‘practitioner of confidence tricks’. She’s conned just about everyone she can on Pandora, and money is becoming a scarce commodity. So, this is the big one: the last, great con. Unfortunately, there are no easy marks left on Pandora, and what seemed pretty simple at first is about to blow up like a commando using a well-developed gunpowder skill tree. Y’know…booooom!!!
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